Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for November 2020! We’ve been busy squashing bugs and working on a number of new features due to come out next year (we’ll have another blog post about that out shortly).
With the Christmas period coming up now’s a great time to use all of the features that Shopfront has to offer including:
Outlets can be renamed from the Registers & Outlets page,
The associate product dialog now supports searching via barcode,
Bug Fixes
Exporting inventory at date to CSV no longer requires you to run the report first,
External stocktaker import now shows the correctly calculated cost when the cost is not included in the imported file,
The media centre now correctly overlays the product edit page when creating or editing a product from the order edit page,
The login screen can now change receipt templates as expected,
Fixed a bug which cleared a users password preventing them from logging in after editing the user,
Rounding on customer payments rounds the correct way in customer statements,
Assigning a lot (7,000+) of products to a classification no longer times out,
Copying a product from the master database no longer appears with a syntax error in the page wizard for certain additional information setups,
GST is now correctly displayed on the order edit page when receiving an invoice as WET excluded (it was always calculating correctly, just displaying incorrectly),
Saving an order when using fees as a percentage and the invoice is set as tax excluded correctly reloads with correct tax,
Large sales (1,000+ quantity) with cross promotion count turned off and multiple promotion options no longer take a long time to calculate,
Adding a product to an order on the order page when the order has public or internal notes correctly scrolls the product into view,
Prevented multiple large (120mb+) exported reports from taking up all of our server’s resources during generation resulting in 504 errors :'(,
[Linkly / PC-EFTPOS] Reset shift totals button now correctly resets the shift totals instead of settling the terminal,
[MYOB] We’ve extended the timeout to wait for MYOB’s response to three minutes due to some requests taking that long,
[MYOB] The initial Shopfront contact for sales now gets created as expected,
[Shop MyLocal] Revoking the integration correctly removes the payment methods and products
Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for October 2020! We’ve got a short list of features and fixes this month because we’re full steam ahead on a secret project that we’ll have more details to release about during November.
Note, some of these changes are gradually rolling out. All stores will receive them by the end of next week.
Minor Features
When something has been restored from the trash we now keep the screen at the same position instead of scrolling back to the top,
A loading screen now appears while the favourite reports are first rendering,
Exporting CSV and PDF versions of the Inventory at Date report no longer wait on the server to generate them and instead you’ll receive a notification,
Improved speed of inventory log report for small date periods
Bug Fixes
Per product discounts now appear correctly on receipts in complex promotion and discount combinations,
Docket printing by tag (kitchen printing) correctly prints when the transaction doesn’t contain any tag,
Failed payments no longer prevent a parked sale from being cancelled,
Prevented parked sales from duplicating after they’re initially parked and then edited (by either adding a customer or adding more products),
Performing sales offline and then force syncing the register no longer causes incorrect takings for the day,
Price changes in the future now appear in the revision history when the price activates, not when the price was changed,
Prevented advanced report from crashing due to eager optimisations,
Completing a sale which had been parked on a different register and then reparked on the current register no longer fails to upload,
Automatic banner group promotions that have been made inactive via the promotion index page no longer get automatically made active again after being updated by the banner group,
Public notes no longer lose line breaks when emailing orders,
Filtering the sales history by a gift card which has never existed now returns no sales instead of all sales,
Promotions for a customer group now apply to the customer group instantly instead of after a sync,
Additional information boolean toggles which default to true now correctly display as enabled,
[Developer] Embedded API no longer times out when you’re not listening for an event (forcing the user to wait)
Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for September 2020! Whilst we’ve got no major features this release, we’ve got a large number of minor features!
Minor Features
Future prices now indicates when a product is inactive,
Advanced stocktake now indicates when a product is inactive,
Express promotions now shows a product information dialog when the product’s name is pressed,
Dialog boxes have been redesigned for smaller screen (such as mobile phones),
Public order notes now appear directly in the WYSIWYG editor rather than being embedded into the [order-table],
Filters on the index pages (e.g. customers, products) are now hidden by default for small screens (mobile phones),
Discounted and locked prices now show an unlocked price which is what the normal price would be had the price not been locked,
Discounts are now based off the “unlocked” price (normal sell price including promotions but excluding discounts),
Products on parked sales no longer send as discounts unless the “unlocked” price is different from the current, locked price,
Whenever a product’s inventory has changed and the product edit page is open, you’ll now be presented with a dialog asking to confirm the inventory of the product,
Revision history tables now highlight the differences between the “from” and “to” values (green is addition, red is removal and blue is modified),
You can now return a transfer the same way you can return an invoice,
The parked sales sell screen option now automatically refreshes when it receives a new parked sale,
All POS routes are now loaded from the local cache by default which has dramatically improved the speed of opening a page in a new tab which has an ID in the URL,
Price lists can now discount each item by a dollar amount,
Scan rebates are now shown on the promotion view page,
Cursor position now remains in the cash calculator after a routine sync when on the close register page,
Everyday tickets has been reworked for small (mobile phone) screens,
Refund reason is now available to be used in advanced reports,
Login attempts now automatically time out after three seconds,
Product import CSV will now be previewed before imported,
Multiple filters can now be selected for the slow moving stock miscellaneous report,
[Developer] Prices are now guaranteed to be ordered by quantity then price set
Bug Fixes
Price changes applied to a family now appears in the revision history for all products, not just the one which the change occurred on,
Discounts on the register closure view page are no longer being duplicated every time a discounted sale was parked,
WYSIWYG editors show left-justified image padding correctly,
Moving between two reports saved to the user quick menu now correctly loads the second report,
Sales sent via Vendor Connect now correctly send whether the product was a case or single sold,
Family pricing now checks if it should be recalculated after a promotion has been applied to part of the family,
Loading a saved sales report filtered by customer now shows the correct customer name instead of just “Customer”,
Prices updated from the stock list now appear in the revision history including all tax,
Products created from the Master Database without modification now appear in the everyday tickets,
Tax on freight and fees is now dependent upon supplier setting,
Prevented duplicate products from appearing on transfers and orders received via Vendor Connect,
Adjusting a price list override price by profit percentage now works as expected, previously it was overriding the price with the percentage specified,
[Linkly] (PC-EFTPOS) transactions for some banks were able to be cancelled in Shopfront between the card being presented and Shopfront being informed of the transaction resulting in Shopfront believing the transaction had been fully cancelled, Shopfront now handles this correctly and continues the transaction rather than cancelling it,
[MYOB] Prevented duplicate invoices being sent to MYOB due to MYOB’s API timing out but still processing the request
Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for August 2020! This month is full of information display adjustments as well as some major performance improvements!
Performance and Memory Improvements
Over the course of this month we’ve had a focus on performance and memory related improvements and have made some significant gains.
First we looked at how our indexing works as we know that memory takes a large hit whenever that runs and it can run quite often (any modification to a product, customer, promotion or price list runs the reindexing process for the respective change). We keep an index to make searching fast and allows us to provide a dynamic search (such as searching from the middle of multiple different words).
To improve this we took a critical look at when we need to reindex our data and came up with a strategy to perform a “rolling” update which batches changes together.
After implementing the batched rolling update we then looked at which “browsing contexts” require the index and we’ve prevented a number of pages from performing a reindex until you’re back in a page which does require the index.
Both of these changes has lead to a large improvement in both memory usage and performance, but we’re not done yet.
Prior to this month our icons were loaded using a technology called SVG, this is a very common way to load icons and is great to do a number of transformations to the icons (such as masking and recolouring), however it comes at the cost of a small amount of memory per icon, when you have a small set of icons this memory usage is negligible, however Shopfront currently features over 350 icons so that memory usage stacked up. In order to combat this, we’ve moved our icons from SVG and instead made them into a “web font” which forces the icons to load like a normal font does. As soon as this was implemented we saw a huge reduction in memory usage.
Finally we looked at Shopfront as a whole, previously when you load Shopfront you load all of Shopfront, however you might just be in the register for the day so you don’t need the order modification or settings pages to be loaded in the background. Using a technique called “lazy loading” we have started moving a number of pages to load only when the page is visited. Now this is expected to come with a performance penalty of loading the page, however due to the way Shopfront was designed to work offline we precache all of the page data on your hard drive so you never see the page loading.
After finishing these performance and memory improvements we decided to measure them against some other popular applications and have found that our memory usage is now below Gmail, Jira, Zendesk and Facebook.
Minor Features
Whilst a major focus has been on overall Shopfront performance, we’ve made quite a few other minor adjustments, here are the key changes:
You can now optionally specify tags to show revenue of when closing the register (customise this in the Registers & Outlets settings page),
We’ve replaced the select dropdown component with a brand new lightweight version,
The price calculation is now quicker when product quantities are greater than 100,000 by swapping to an approximate method rather than an exact price calculation,
The product view page now shows the product’s status next to its name if it’s not active,
Duplicate product dialog for express & advanced stocktakes as well as the order edit screen now shows if an included product is inactive,
Sales history now defaults to the current Outlet you’re in if you’re a multi-store Vendor,
The roles & permissions page now shows how many users belong in each role,
A new permission to prevent users from clearing local data from within the POS was added,
Reduced maximum amount of products and customers to display in the sell screen search to 300 to improve memory usage and loading time,
The customer view page now shows the group it belongs to,
Inactive products have been removed from the promotions sale key,
More information has been added to the login news,
Order reference is now an available column for advanced reports,
The promotion view page now shows the Outlet(s) which the promotion is applied to,
Advanced stocktake now allows entry of “0” as a quantity,
When multiple of the same products are unconsolidated on the sell screen we now distribute the prices using the family price distribution rules,
The sync no longer paginates the parked sales and instead returns them all at once resulting in a large performance improvement on pages after the first,
Customer statements can now be run if you have the See Customers permission (previously you could only run them if you had the Modify Statements permission),
Transferees can now store contact details and automatically email transfers,
Vendor connections have gained the option to specify how the connection data should be received (either as an order / invoice or a transfer),
Details of a invoice return are now able to be modified,
[MYOB] The integration has been completely rewritten in TypeScript and now features better error recovery and a new validation system,
[Developer] Viewing application history is now significantly faster
Bug Fixes
Prevented multiple sell screens from being opened after removing a previous duplicate sell screen,
Stocktaked products report was previously showing the current date for products that have never been stocktaked instead of “Never”,
Fixed promotions endlessly reindexing resulting in a memory leak,
Lines on orders which contain a different case quantity between the Shopfront product file and the order now correctly adjust the quantity when changing case quantity to one,
Opening the browser when in global mode no longer forces register selection,
Prevented payment of a sale while a product is being added when both hard drive and CPU are at 100%,
Orders & Invoices now shows correct orders when navigated to when in global mode,
Gift cards can now be removed after they have been added to a parked sale,
Sales summary in product view now correctly shows all sales when in global mode,
Performing a customer payment with a large number of sales no longer results in the rate limiter being hit,
Logout is no longer forced after two hours from last login, instead it’s now two hours from last interaction with Shopfront
Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for July 2020! It’s been a while since we’ve published one of these (November 2017 was the last time one was posted 😖).
This month we had a huge release with more than three months worth of development including a rewrite of our front-end system from JavaScript into TypeScript.
So without further ado, here’s what has recently been released for all customers on Shopfront.
Major Features
In-page help articles
You may have noticed this when we first appeared back in May, but it’s now been added to a large amount of screens throughout the POS – we’ve now embedded some of our support articles directly in to the page through the use of a help icon in the top right-hand corner.
Whenever you’re on a page which has a linked help article, you’ll be able to find out more information without even leaving the page. Clicking on the help article displays some relevant articles that might be of assistance to you.
We’ve also started to add more in-page help with any item that might need further explanation. We’ve started with the general settings page but we’re going to be adding them to more pages in the coming months.
Transfers and sales to other Shopfront Vendors
If you are transferring or selling stock to another store which also has Shopfront, you’re now able to connect the two Vendors together to automatically send and receive the stock without having to perform any manual entry.
To get started, both sides need to create a new “Vendor Connection”, the sender needs to provide the receiver with their displayed “Sender Code” which will be entered into the receivers “Receiving Code”. From there you can simply either sell stock to the connected customer or transfer stock from the Orders & Invoices page. Stock will be automatically matched between the two stores and the receiver will just have to verify the data is correct before accepting the order.
For more information, check out our dedicated help article or get in touch with our support team.
Redeveloped Additional Information
Our additional information has been redeveloped and redesigned with several new features being added including default values for fields and new field types (such as drop down lists) as well as a facelift.
This information can be accessed via the API, printed on tickets or displayed in several parts of Shopfront.
In the coming months we’ll also be adding several new features to the additional information such as being able to filter reports by additional fields and being able to use additional fields to search for products on the sell screen.
Media Centre Improvements
Whilst there is no visible change to the media centre, behind the scenes it has been significantly improved. Deleting and renaming both files and folders is now considerably faster as is moving between folders.
Along with the internal changes, we’ve also create a new “mini” Media Centre which is now available to use when editing anything with the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) text editor, such as editing the description of products.
The mini Media Centre allows you to quickly insert images into the WYSIWYG without having to worry about the image’s URL.
Shop MyLocal Integration
We’ve now released our Shop MyLocal integration as a beta version. Shop MyLocal allows IBA stores to sell popular products online with the prices coming directly from Shopfront and when a sale occurs, the sale automatically appears in Shopfront, preventing the need for data entry.
To find out more information about Shop MyLocal or to get started with it, contact your Business Development Manager.
Minor Features
Along with our major features, we also have made numerous improvements to Shopfront, we couldn’t list them all, but here are some of our favourites:
Promotions can now be applied to multiple customer groups,
New supplier option “Freight is included on supplier invoice” for use when receiving stock from a supplier that requires you to use an external freight company,
Promotion calculation speed has now significantly improved when cross promotion count is turned off and a large amount of products exist in an active express promotion (one real world use case saw a reduction from 5.8 seconds to 0.2 seconds),
Numerous information enhancements (e.g. more places now show the product’s status if it’s not active),
Inventory at Date reports can now be exported as a PDF and CSV file, it can be printed and it can be searched,
Many components on receipts can now have customisable padding,
Product scanning in express stocktakes is now faster,
You can now manually set a product to update it without using the future price time setting (go to the Utility Menu > Future Prices),
Subject lines can now be predefined for customer statements,
Orders sent via email to suppliers can now be sent as a PDF or CSV attachment (you can set this per supplier in the supplier’s edit page),
Selling a product within a basket now shows that it was sold from a basket in the inventory log,
We’ve replaced our code editor with a more lightweight version and a nicer colour scheme,
We’ve also reduced the size of colour selector component and given it a facelift,
[Developer] New Embedded API options to allow developers to plug into more of Shopfront’s user interface,
[Developer] Embedded applications can now send messages between their embedded pages directly through the Embedded API,
[Developer] All supplier details can be provided when creating a supplier instead of having to create and then edit the supplier,
[Developer] Some POS resources (products, payment methods) can now be locked which prevents anyone from deleting the resource except for your integration,
[Developer] Through the Embedded API you can now modify the current sale in process
Our release also comes with numerous bug fixes, some of which are:
Express stocktakes now show the inventory log history when a user that has been deleted previously changed the inventory,
Customer account payments that were made in the future compared to the current statement period no longer affect the current statement period,
Orders that have a decimal quantity for the received and sent quantities now save correctly instead of being rounded to the nearest whole number,
Orders now always force the products to be put into the next sync after they’ve been sent and received,
Fixed floating point calculation errors during promotion calculation when individual product quantities were above 150,
Promotion Calculation Manager now correctly updates the current time to expire promotions without leaving the sell screen,
Transfer history for products now shows transfers to transferees not just transfers to other Outlets
Refund reason now appears when sale total is equal to zero,
Push notifications are now more reliable,
Bulk deleting several hundred promotions at once now works as expected,
Promotions from banner groups now retain your changes instead of reverting when the promotions are updated,
[MYOB Integration] Sending invoices to suppliers that have names which contain special characters now works as expected,
[Linkly / PC-EFTPOS Integration] Prevented pressing cancel while terminal is performing a logon
Side Note
That’s it for this month, we’ll be aiming to continue to release these “What’s new on Shopfront” articles on a month-by-month basis towards the end of each month. We’re also going to be changing the way which deployments are handled in Shopfront by introducing release channels. To start with we’ll be releasing three different versions called Canary, Beta and Release. Most customers will remain on the Release version which is roughly equivalent with how we currently release our updates, however a subset of customers who want access to features faster will be moved onto Canary or Beta.
We’re planning on releasing a Canary update every week, a Beta update every fortnight and a normal Release every four to six weeks. We’ll start our new release process at some point about half-way through August. If you’d like to be involved in the Canary or Beta channel, send an email to our support team.
It’s nearly here! Shopfront version two will be released to the first store on the 28th of October, 2019. It’s been a long time coming, but we promise it will be well worth the wait.
We started the redesign in January 2018, a year after the first version of Shopfront was released. With it comes a huge array of new features and changes that we can’t wait to show you.
We’re back looking for another Customer Experience Agent! We’re looking for someone to be both in the office assisting our customers on the phone and out on the road setting up new clients.
Welcome to the November edition of New On Shopfront, we’ve introduce our Media Centre, created Promotional Shelf Tickets and presented our Public Roadmap.
Ready to transform the retail industry into a new era of productivity? Shopfront requires someone to take our point of sale system to the next level through the design and development of the user interface of our cloud based system.
Welcome to the October 2017 edition of New on Shopfront, this month we’ve fixed a huge amount of bugs, changed the way that sale discounts work and added a couple of nifty features along the way